This is the original sketch for the Jubilee piece. I like the final version, but honestly I like this one more.
I like Karnak. He has a cool name, a douchey little moustache, and the goofiest of helmets, for no raisin(!). The thing I like most, though, is that unlike other Inhumans, Karnak was never exposed to the superpower-granting Terrigen Mists...so there's no reason for his head to be that big. It's never explained, and nobody ever comments on it.
Sometimes heads are awesomely large for no reason. It means Karnak is AWESOME.
I cannot stress this enough.
your reasoning seems sound, sir. we'll need to conduct more tests, but by these findings we may be able to conclude that ego the living planet (being the most head of all) is the most awesome being in existence.